"Tremendous skill, professional and calm. They keep on going and get difficult things done.” - Chief Financial Officer
Allen Kraus
Allen directs IMPLEXpartners. He offers a leader’s perspective, having served as chief operating officer of a hospital system, general manager of New York City’s public assistance program, and a founder of consulting businesses. He also built an analytical office in New York City government and was an analyst for the Congressional Budget Office. Allen helps clients set inspiring yet reasonable business goals, tap the values, strengths and energies of their employees to reach these goals, and develop the structures, systems and skills necessary to embed effective implementation and operating practices – providing the organizational, analytical, tactical and behavioral glue necessary to pull all this together. Allen earned a master’s degree in urban planning from Harvard, a BA from Dartmouth, and certificates in negotiation, work culture surveys, leadership assessment and development, and polarity frameworks.
Allison Conte
Allison consults across health care, human services, energy, financial services, manufacturing, publishing, higher education and other sectors. She helps clients gain breakthrough results, design effective organizations, develop agile leaders and shift organizational cultures. Allison has a BA from University of Colorado and a master’s degree in organization development from Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management. She completed advanced studies at the Integral Institute and NTL Institute, and post-graduate work at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland.
Betsy Reveal
Betsy is a highly analytical public manager and consultant who works with health, human services, educational, transportation and development programs. She served as CFO with the cities of Philadelphia and Seattle and with Amtrak and the United Nations Foundation/Better World Fund, and as Budget Director for Washington, DC. Betsy has consulted with the University of Michigan, the Navajo Nation, Columbia University Medical Center, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the City of New York and other state and local programs around the country. She co-authored books on management in the public sector and data-driven decision-making to improve outcomes for children and families. Betsy earned a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard, a MSW from the University of Michigan, and a BA from Cornell.
Cornelius Bird
Cornelius is a trainer, curriculum developer, organizational development consultant and coach. For more than 30 years, he has supported children’s services reform across the country – in child welfare, behavioral health and juvenile justice. Cornelius has developed innovative and effective strength- and needs-based training for front-line staff, supervisors and managers. He played a key role in New Jersey’s case practice model reform effort and the state’s Manage by Data Fellows program. As a subject matter expert, he helped design user training and train-the-trainer programs for a Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS). He also helped create the Foster Parent Staff Development Institute in Georgia. An expert in domestic violence services, Cornelius facilitated men’s anger control groups and co-authored Guidelines for Facilitating Child and Family Team Meetings with Families with a History of Domestic Violence. Cornelius earned his BA from Western Washington University.
Julie Keenan
Julie leads projects and consults on strategic and operational matters with child care, child welfare, education, youth and other service delivery programs. She recently led an operational analysis of child care services for children in foster care and developed a staffing model for a major human services program. She worked on income support and employment programs as a New York City government analyst and manager and served as director of the Schumann Fund for New Jersey. She was a founding director of Citizens for Better Schools (NJ), a trustee for the Nature Conservancy, NJ Chapter, and is currently a trustee of the Newark-based Youth Development Clinic. Julie earned a BS in engineering from Duke and an MBA from Stanford.
Mary von Herrmann
Mary is a seasoned change management and learning strategy professional with twenty years of consulting and corporate experience. She specializes in change strategy, leadership alignment, customer experience, project management and training. Mary has consulted with the City of New York, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the US Department of State, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Novartis and McKinsey. She was vice president of learning and development at NBCUniversal, responsible for corporate training strategy for the news and entertainment divisions. She led the change management practice at RogenSi, was the global leader for learning and development at AGENCY.COM and served as a senior manager with Accenture. Mary is a graduate of Smith College.
Partner Firms
Donia + Associates, LLC
Donia + Associates, LLC – a certified New York State and City M/WBE firm led by Donia Piersaint – consults with public and private organizations on business process re-engineering, strategic planning, program evaluation, organizational assessment, performance improvement, technology planning and management, quality improvement, supply chain and other organizational improvements. Donia works with housing, human services, health and mental health, public safety, consumer protection, pharmaceutical and other groups. The firm supports IMPLEXpartners in process redesign and performance improvement work. Donia earned BS and MS degrees from New Jersey Institute of Technology in biomedical engineering, industrial engineering and occupational safety and health engineering. She is a Six Sigma Black Belt and a quality engineer and manager.
1mpact First, LLC
1mpact First, LLC – a New York-based M/WBE consulting firm – offers technology strategy and operations services to public and private clients. Nathan Harris and his partners have years of consulting experience gained through positions at Diamond Management and Technology Consultants, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Booz & Company. Nathan served as Chief Information Officer for a New York government agency. He consults on technology strategy, systems benchmarking and assessment and system implementation; implementation program management and quality assurance; business process re-engineering; customer experience improvement; staffing model development and other topics. He earned BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering from Virginia Tech, and an MBA from Carnegie Mellon.
Marta Siberio Consulting
Marta Siberio Consulting – a New York-based M/WBE business – provides organizational development and strategic management services to government agencies, foundations, non-profit and healthcare organizations. Marta Siberio helps leaders guide significant organizational change, using facilitation, executive and team performance coaching, strategic planning and tactical implementation support. She served as Assistant Commissioner in New York City’s Health Department and as an analyst for the Mayor’s Office of Operations. She directed humanitarian assistance programs in Russia and Central Asia and helped found 100 Hispanic Women. Marta earned a master’s degree in Public Administration from NYU, a BA from Amherst College, and certificates from Harvard’s Program for Senior Executives in Government, the National Coalition of Hispanic Health and Human Services Organization’s Hispanic Health Leadership Program, and Myers-Briggs.
1811 Consultants
Doug Apple, President of 1811 Consultants, serves public and not-for-profit housing, human service and behavioral health care providers. He supports significant strategic change for these groups including real estate development, reorganizations, governance shifts, mergers, performance improvement and other major projects. He provides project management, analytical support and organizational design services, along with advice about negotiating legal, governmental and political processes. Doug understands government and the not-for-profit sectors well. He worked with New York City’s Office of Management and Budget and the Mayor’s Office of Operations. He served as General Manager/Chief Operating Officer of the New York City Housing Authority, First Deputy Commissioner for the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, and Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer of Samaritan Daytop Village. Doug studied at Boston University and NYU’s Wagner School of Public Administration.