Spur turnaround



Child care restructuring

Restructured eligibility operations for a large child development program. Redesigned workflow to create team-based processing units; built a staffing model; updated the program’s website to streamline applications and eliminate in-person service, and created a workflow tracking system – reduced staffing by 25-30 percent without disrupting service. 

Human services staffing models

Built activity-based staffing models for the nation’s largest SNAP (Food Stamps) and cash assistance programs. Completed work observation surveys, combined survey data with information on case volume and work hours available to estimate the number of staff required, and built a common technical platform for both models. The models guide productivity, support new hiring, and estimate the impact of operational changes on staffing patterns. 

Hospital financial turnaround

Led a team that assessed financial conditions and set improvement targets, aligned fractious hospital leaders around the targets, and completed revenue cycle, productivity, surgical scheduling, purchasing and other turnaround work that improved the financial margin by nearly eight percent and strengthened the leadership team markedly.

Hiring breakthroughs

Led two projects that eliminated serious backlogs in hiring. For a hospital with a 25 percent vacancy rate, high overtime, excessive use of temporary staff, and low morale, organized marketing, open houses, expedited screening and on-the-spot job offers that yielded 83 new staff in 30 days. For a parks program, led a breakthrough team that compressed a five-month hiring timeframe by more than half.

Health and human services shared services

Built a shared services strategy for seven large public health and human services agencies. Integrated activities to increase revenue, streamline audits, improve employee discipline, and save $15-20 million from shared purchasing. Shared services press release

Child care redesign

Created an operating strategy for a large early care and education program, including improvements in eligibility, enrollment, compliance, integrity, quality, payment processes and technology. Recommended program goals and designed improvement projects and implementation plans that the program adopted wholeheartedly.